The following practice test is the last one of the advanced level questions. This practice test has 20 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Canada and efficiently prepare for the real Canadian Citizenship Test because in order to become a Canadian citizen, passing this test is mandatory.

Keep practicing until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Canadian Citizenship Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests.

After you are done with practice test-12, you should try EXTRA PRACTICE TESTS. Good Luck!!!

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#1. What is English common law?

#2. What did Ottawa promise to British Columbia when that province joined Confederation?

#3. Which of the following are examples of manufacturing industries?

#4. What is the capital city of Northwest Territories? ? Learn all the capitals after the test.

TipsAtlantic Provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador…………….St. John’sPrince Edward Island………..CharlottetownNova Scotia………...Halifax, New Brunswick……..Fredericton

Central Canada: Quebec ……Québec CityOntario……….Toronto

Prairie Provinces: Manitoba……WinnipegSaskatchewan………ReginaAlberta………Edmonton

West Coast:British Columbia……..Victoria 

NorthNunavut……..IqaluitNorthwest Territories…….YellowknifeYukon Territory……….Whitehorse

#5. When did Canada adopt its current flag?

#6. Which Canadian province’s economy is based on agriculture, mining, and hydro-electric power generation?

#7. What is the largest city in Saskatchewan?

#8. What types of matters are the responsibility of the federal government? ? Find more responsibilities after the test.

Tips: National Defence • Foreign Policy • Citizenship • Policing • Criminal Justice • International Trade • Aboriginal Affairs • Immigration (shared) • Agriculture  shared) • Environment(shared)

#9. What is the capital city of Newfoundland and Labrador? ? Learn all the capitals after the test.

TipsAtlantic Provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador…………….St. John’sPrince Edward Island………..CharlottetownNova Scotia………...Halifax, New Brunswick……..Fredericton

Central Canada: Quebec ……Québec CityOntario……….Toronto

Prairie Provinces: Manitoba……WinnipegSaskatchewan………ReginaAlberta………Edmonton

West Coast:British Columbia……..Victoria 

NorthNunavut……..IqaluitNorthwest Territories…….YellowknifeYukon Territory……….Whitehorse

#10. Where are the ancestors of Aboriginals believed to have migrated from?

#11. What is the capital city of Alberta? ? Learn all the capitals after the test.

Tips: Atlantic Provinces: Newfoundland and Labrador…………….St. John’sPrince Edward Island………..CharlottetownNova Scotia………...Halifax, New Brunswick……..Fredericton

Central Canada: Quebec ……Québec CityOntario……….Toronto

Prairie Provinces: Manitoba……WinnipegSaskatchewan………ReginaAlberta………Edmonton

West Coast:British Columbia……..Victoria 

NorthNunavut……..IqaluitNorthwest Territories…….YellowknifeYukon Territory……….Whitehorse

#12. When did “O Canada” officially become Canada’s national anthem?

#13. Who first adopted the maple leaf as a symbol of Canada?

#14. What was Terry Fox’s run called?

#15. Which Central Canadian province was founded by United Empire Loyalists?

#16. Which piece of communication technology are Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie associated with?

#17. Why did Terry Fox start his Marathon of Hope?

#18. What term has mostly replaced the term “Indians” since the 1970s?

#19. Which of the following areas are local governments responsible for?

#20. Who recommended that the Canadas be given responsible government?
